Thursday, December 16, 2010

GX in KC

I was so excited to be apart of the GX tour in Kansas City this fall where also the GX base is. A lot of exciting things have been happening with GX. We bought a house that is now our office and dance studio. And we have gotten a lot of new team members.

The Kansas City tour was very very awesome. We saw God do so much through the people of KC, and we saw a lot of change in people and the local churches.
My job is now what they call the International Program director, but my main field is creativity and bringing new stuff to GX. This KC tour we got to try 5 new dance pieces that are relevant to the youth of today.
Here is one of the pieces that was new this tour!

Thursday, January 21, 2010


I have been incredibly busy since I got to the US. I flew in Friday the 8th, and was in charge of the camp that started Feb.9th. It's been going by so fast.
I am really excited about everything that God is doing! He is showing up with some amazing creativity! it's so rad!
This is what the GX house fireplace turned into during creative camp!
We are making a brand new program for GX!
Amazing staff are here, and we are getting our socks blessed off from Bill and Cathie. Cathie cooks us these amazing suppers every day!
Here are the boys: haha.. apple computers...

And when brainstorming gets to be too much, Cathie brings us some goodness

wow.. what a great time!

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Skjermbilde 2009-12-18 kl. 00.55.52

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Circa is throwing Sierra a shoerelease after party!

If you happen to be in Cali.. definitly check out the Airconditioned Club in Venice!

So so sad that I can't be there. I wish sooo bad I could make it...
So stoked for Sierra!

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

SIERRA'S SHOE RELEASE PARTY... and my interview... bittersweet...

Sierra has his shoe release party on the 12th of December! I am so stoked for him. His shoe looks great, and I can't wait to get a pair to wear :)
anyways... It is one of the biggest events of his career so far as a professional skateboarder! I hope his shoe makes it to norway so all you rich norwegians can get a pair! :) they are very clean looking and super comfortable. It is bittersweet that I won't be able to be there with him on the 12th.



I got a interview at the US embassy in Norway on December 16th. Please pray that it will go smooth...


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Benefits, fundraisers!

YEY! There are so many awesome people where I grew up in Norway! One thing I can mention about my friends here, is that they are all about giving.
Last weekend we raised a lot of money to Rwanda. For the children soldiers to get medical and mental help, food and all the basic needs.

This friday, a good friend of mine Silje.. amazing artist (she sang at my wedding) is singing at a benefit concert together with Laymen to raise money for clean water in Bolivia. I'm dancing;)

I think these benefits are so necessary... not just to raise the money. But also for us - rich norwegians to again and again be reminded of how important it is to see others... to have compassion for other... to learn how to share.
God is doing so much in me concerning the poor....
I am praying for a great amount for the coming concert... please be praying with me!

Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Sierra and I recently finished helping with the GX bootcamp in Malaga area in the very south of Spain. It was long days with dancing from mornings til late evening.. and a week of seeing nothing but the walls of a dancestudio.

But the GX family fellowship is so amazing. It really makes me so thankful to be a part of such a great ministry!
God did so much within people and through people. The team did some street stuff.. where we go out and talk with the local people. Just love on them and tell them about a living God.
The outreach went very well, and many people got to hear about God!

Sierra has been busy skating and filming. He just finished up a tour in North Carolina with Foundation skateboards, and will be seeing his family for thankgiving.